Community Groups

Some intro text can go here that lets the user know what this section of the website is about.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque euismod nibh nec euismod vulputate. Morbi ultricies lacus libero, lobortis tincidunt nisi tristique et. Donec nisi sapien, finibus nec sagittis malesuada, viverra at ligula. Nulla eu ex in eros pharetra aliquet. Donec orci erat, ullamcorper tempor sollicitudin vel, mollis eget eros. Aliquam tristique, orci eu rutrum euismod, lorem dolor tincidunt velit, et sollicitudin lectus neque quis mi.

Find a group

Some text can go here that lets the user know what this section of the website is about, it can be a couple of lines long and have a more button at the end
Magnifying glass on top of coloured paper


Some text can go here that lets the user know what this section of the website is about, it can be a couple of lines long and have a more button at the end
Bumping fists

Our funders:

  • Torridge District Council
  • Northam Town Council
  • Bideford Bridge Trust
  • Bideford TC
  • Lottery Community Fund
  • Devon County Council
  • Devon Memory Café Consortium
  • Active Devon
  • Edward Gosling Foundation