Become a Volunteer today! - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/volunteering
Become a member of TTVS - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/become-member
For financial guidance and support please see our Financial Inclusion project - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/financial-inclusion
Memory Lane Café’s - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/memory-lane-cafes
One Small Step - https://onesmallstep.org.uk/
The Storehouse – https://www.thestorehouse-bideford.co.uk/
North Devon Food Bank - https://northerndevon.foodbank.org.uk/
Torridge District Council - https://www.torridge.gov.uk/costoflivinghelp
Navigate & WiserMoney - https://www.navigatecharity.org.uk/services/money-debt-advice/
South West Water - https://www.southwestwater.co.uk/help/need-help-paying-bill/watercare/
361 Energy - https://361energy.org/portfolio-items/call-service/
Bideford Work Club - https://www.librariesunlimited.org.uk/bideford-library-work-club/
Torr Age - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/torrage-ageing-well (Help for the over 50’s)
Young Carers Connected (YCC) - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/projects/young-carers-connected (Support for young people in a caring role in Torridge)
Help at Home - https://www.torridgecvs.org.uk/help-home/help-home-torridge (A paid for service for help at home for any age)
Give us a shout - https://giveusashout.org/ - Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text us from wherever you are in the UK. If your life is at imminent risk, please call 999 for immediate help. (TEXT “SHOUT” to 85258)
Samaritans - The 24/7 Helpline is confidential and free. You can call them any time at 116 123